Elements and Principles of design - part 2

To recap... the elements of design are: line, shape, value, colour, size, pattern and movement. I already covered the first three in part 1. So this post will cover the last four (colour, size, pattern and movement)

COLOUR has a number of properties as well as psychological aspects.

Hue ~ the name of the colour (red, yellow, blue...) 

Value ~ the lightness or darkness of the hue 

Intensity ~ the purity or grayness of the hue

Temperature ~ the warmth or coolness of the hue

Psychological aspects of colour

The size of shapes, colours, objects and the spaces between them contributes energy to a design. Equal sizes can be boring whereas variations of small and large shapes are more interesting.

Proportion ~ refers to the size relationships of all parts of a whole (ie hands in relation to the body)

Scale ~ the size of people or objects in relation to their environment

Lines, shapes, values, colours and textures that enhance the surface and contribute to movement.

MOVEMENT ~ expresses life and energy. It directs the viewers eye throughout the composition and controls the speed of the eye's movement.
Kinds of movement:
horizontal = calm, static, restful and serene

vertical = stability, dignity and growth

diagonal = dynamic action and energy

Once again.... the elements of design (line, shape, value, colour, size, pattern and movement) are some of the tools you use to create unity in your compositions. Principles are the rest of the tools you use. I'll cover principles in my next post.

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