
Helping Hands Doula Services website

This is the work I did for my friend Jay to help her expand her business as a Doula in Victoria.


  1. You are very talented! Great Work! I like to think I am an artist but not so. I am more of a technical person.

  2. Thank you Kari Ann! I've learned over the years, and I truly truly believe this, that everyone is an artist and creative. Mostly it's a matter of practice. One of my dreams is to have weekend retreats for women so they can do art in a safe judgement free place and reconnect with their inner artist. Do you remember all the drawings you did as a kid? I do and I remember thinking I was amazing and I drew and drew and drew. When I look back on what I drew with my adult eyes they look like a kid did them but they were done with abandon and no judgement so they're great because of that. We have to relearn that ability. Something we can do with practice. I'm glad you think of yourself as an artist. Keep at it and enjoy the process. I'd love to see some of your art. Would you be willing to send me some?
